Make HTML image tags from a list of graphics files
This script uses the Perl module Image::Magick to create HTML <img> tags from a list of images. You call it like this: *.jpgand it outputs img tags like this:
<img src='bare-valve-250.jpg' height='202' width='250'> <img src='broken-rubber-250.jpg' height='615' width='771'> <img src='new-rubber-fitted-250.jpg' height='176' width='250'> <img src='perished-rubber-250.jpg' height='199' width='250'> <img src='soundtrack.jpg' height='301' width='457'>
Here is the script, formatted:
#!/home/ben/software/install/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Image::Magick; use Getopt::Long; use autodie; my $dir; my $output_file; my $r = GetOptions ("dir:s" => \$dir, "output:s" => \$output_file, ); if (! $dir) { $dir = "."; } my @images; if (@ARGV) { @images = @ARGV; } else { @images = <$dir/*>; } my $output = \*STDOUT; if ($output_file) { open $output, ">:encoding(utf8)", $output_file; } for my $image (@images) { if ($image !~ /\.(?:jpe?g|png|gif)/i) { next; } my $im = Image::Magick->new (); my $status = $im->Read ($image); if ($status) { warn "Problem $status"; next; } my ($height, $width) = $im->Get (qw/height width/); my $name = $image; $name =~ s~.*/~~; print <<EOF; <img src='$name' height='$height' width='$width'> EOF }
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